‘Facing the Shadow’ by Dr. Patrick Carnes
Discover a Path to Healing from Sex Addiction with Dr. Patrick Carnes' Facing the Shadow. This revised edition guides readers through the first 7 of the 30-task model of recovery, based on the Twelve Step program, with specific exercises to support your journey.
Dr. Patrick Carnes is a well-known therapist, lecturer, trainer, and author. His book, titled Facing the Shadow, is a book that gives a complete approach to assist persons who are battling with sex addiction. The book is structured on the 30-task model of addiction treatment, and it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Twelve Step program. It contains meditations, exercises, and performables that are intended at shattering denial and creating a roadmap for recovery. These activities may be performed by the individual. This freshly updated and enlarged version focuses on the first seven of the thirty tasks, giving readers with actions that are both precise and practical on their path to recovery. Facing the Shadow has been used by thousands of therapists with their clients as a result of its evidence-based and practical approach. As a result, it has assisted many people in finding a route that would lead them to recovery from sex addiction.
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