The Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale

Wondering if you’re addicted to porn? Take this super quick, industry-standard quiz to get your answer.

The PPCS offers a guide, not a strict rule, for measuring whether your porn use is a problem.  Ultimately, if your porn use is interfering with your life, you've tried to stop and cannot, there is help for you and you can find it here.  

Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale
The Problematic Pornography Use Scale (PPCS) is a self-report tool that evaluates a person's pornographic consumption and any potential detrimental effects. The elements in the scale measure how frequently pornography is consumed, how it affects a person's relationships and daily life, and how troubled they may feel as a result of their pornographic use. Numerous research studies have employed the PPCS to evaluate problematic pornography use and the potential harm it may cause to people.

Based on Bothe, et al., The Development of the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS), The Journal of Sex Research, published online 06 Mar 2017 (available at​).  

Problematic Porn Consumption Scale

Directions: answer each question on a scale of 1-7 where 1=Strongly Disagree and 7=Strongly Agree

Problematic Porn Consumption Scale

RESULTS: A score of 76 or greater suggests problematic levels of pornography use.

Free Online Porn Addiction Test
